The sad irony of comparing us to Cassandras, especially when we know that Cassandra was right.
Here is an english version of this article : Qu'est-ce que j'avais dit ?
Today it’s January 21st, 2025, and normally I was about to write a post about the Hug Day. I would have loved to write such a post rather than this one, but it's not possible.
I’m tired of our alerts being minimized, I’m tired of the same ones warning and the same ones not listening, or explaining how we should have warned them better. I’m tired of being compared to Cassandra, how ironic when we know that Cassandra was right in the end. Besides, as in the novel by Asimov where Seldon was mocked of Cassandre while he was sadly right. (But read rather Becky Chambers than Asimov).
We've been warning of these dangerous excesses for years, and no one took it seriously. You prefer hiding in what is comfortable for you. You are told to burn your idols, but you fasten to their speeches, their universes, their fictions without seeing the reality of the oppressions they build, and in which you are accomplices. But at some point, what more is needed for you to stop ignoring the evidence staring us in the face? Do we need to take again and again all of the newspapers from the 1930s to show you that they are this close to the same ones less than 100 years later? What do you need more than the examples of Italy, Hungary, and I’m not even talking about their total plunge into fascism? Or do you not understand the issues and prefer to have a touristic vision of these countries? What more do you need than one of the richest and most powerful men in this world to make a Nazi salute twice during his president’s inauguration? Or will you also find excuses because you do not want to admit that you support a fascist?
Spoiler alert, it's already started.
And it brings out the “But how is it possible that the people accepted the horrors of 39-45 anyway”.
Just like that.
Just like that.
It's been at least since the late 2010s that minorities have been screaming for help and alerting you. But nothing. It's all very well to complain that our politicians are out of touch, but it's even better to make the effort not to be out of touch ourselves. We'd rather focus on media decoys than listen to our fellow human beings. We prefer to fear factitious violence, threatening the comfort of privileges or ideals, rather than listen to the state violence that weighs on a people, our people, us. Because that violence has gradually become more pronounced in our daily lives as minoritized people, and public rhetoric hides concrete acts of oppression.
They're there, while the spotlight is on “who benefits”, comparing and dividing, while the others move on, cutting off the rights of minorities bit by bit, allowing themselves to no longer see us as human, and it's not even done in the shadows, just watch. It's totally unabashed. There's not even any effort to hide it, people just decide not to see. And it's on January 20, 2025, in front of a cheering crowd, that an ominous destiny takes shape, the repetition of a gesture that has sealed the fate of so many human lives. A salute we would never have wished to see again.
Because yes, we don't see anything, and I'm outraged to see that the newspapers and my fellow human beings are trying at all costs to see something else. Either you know exactly what's going on, and you're poor souls, or you're in denial, or scared.
It's a huge amount of bullshit, and fortunately, as I write these lines, those around me have understood what's going on. You're not the majority, but please don't let them make you the majority, open your eyes, this concerns you too.
Don't become the silent majority that lets things happen. Don't feel the regret of those who realized too late that it was their turn. Don't be complicit in this. Don't agree with Niemöller when he wrote:
When they came for the socialists, I didn't say anything, I wasn't a socialist.
When they came for the trade unionists, I didn't say anything, I wasn't a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews, I said nothing, I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me. And there was no one left to protest.
They haven't come for us yet. There's still time to change things, it's not written yet. We can oppose them, we can stop them.
There's still time to understand how serious this is. It's not a gesture from the heart, it's not a billionaire doing his com, it's not an autistic-whatever (what a shame to use that !), no, it's a rallying sign.
And I'm tired of warning, I'm tired of my adelphs explaining, over and over again. But no matter how exhausted I am, as long as I'm on this poor Earth, I'm not going to shut up, EVER. I intend to fight, to my last breath if need be, but I refuse to let horrors happen again. I refuse to be one of those who let it happen.
We have learned.
We know that by taking action, by speaking out, by remembering, by nourishing our historical memory, we are one step ahead of the inertia of 33-39, but it's a precious and fragile asset, and our survival depends on it.
We are at a crossroads, facing two historic choices. On the one hand, the darkest hours of our European history; on the other, the means to build the Social Fabric of 1789. Let's not forget. We are not alone.
It's not the inclusive writing that's threatening us, it's not what they call “the wokes” that are threatening us, it's not “bien pensance” or the “lesson givers” - there's no time for that now.
We're not the only ones to be outraged by this plutocratic monarchy, and I can't imagine that the heritage of our ancestors and the lessons to be learnt from it are being forgotten to such an extent. I can't imagine that the multi-cultural richness of the people is no longer taken into account, or even viewed in a pejorative light.
Nothing has been done.
Nothing has been done.
Everyone in this dense and popular Social Fabric can make a difference in their own way.
But to do that, you have to admit.
They've got the money, but we've already proved that it's not enough in the face of numbers and our convictions.
There's still time to turn around the train that's taking us from a rehash of the Third Reich to a Revolution.
It's good to have a memorial, but it's even better not to forget, and to avoid having to erect more.
We still have the right to be indignant, we still have the right to act, to unite.
Tomorrow, we may no longer have that right.
Merci d'avoir lu jusqu'ici, si cet article t'a plu, n'hésite pas à le partager et à liker 👇